It’s a big club, and we ain’t in it.

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Holy shit.

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E X C E L L E N T post.

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One law for filthy Kulaks; different law for glorious commissars, Comrade. :/

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Law-abiding citizen gun dealer with a valid FFL sells guns to other law-abiding citizens, following all federal and state laws -- including background checks -- and if those guns get stolen by criminals and used in crimes, the BATFE response is: Revoke his license, freeze his accounts, seize his inventory, raid his home, shoot his dogs, threaten his family, and ballistically increase his body weight by 10% in hot lead at ANY sign of possible resistance. (Or just because.)

Cops sell actual fully-automatic guns to actual criminals, and the BATFE response is: Nothing to see here, we're not looking to prosecute fellow law enforcement officers.

Tell me we have a two-tiered banana republic "justice" system without telling me we have a two-tiered banana republic "justice" system.

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Yet another good one. In the early 1990's, the Albany, NY PD SWAT team was looking at replacing their rifles. Someone thought that the FN FAL would be a good choice, southern PD acquired 5 for test and trial.

FAL's are somewhat long and heavy compared to M-4's or even AR-10's. So the Albany PD disposed of the select- fire FN FAL's to a Local Gun Shop.

Someone at the LGS did not know what they had. The FAL's wound up on the used gun rack, open to the public. That mistake was caught by the BATFE industry Inspector, FAL's, especially not the full rock & roll ones, are not that common.

I never did hear what the outcome was, but I'm sure there were lumps under the rug when it was discovered where those FAL's came from.

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