In my mind, the only "deceptively-colored" firearm is one in which they paint the tip of the barrel Safety Orange, as federally required for all TOY guns. (Ever wonder why NERF guns come in every color of the rainbow, but the barrel ends are ALWAYS bright orange? This is why.) The rest of the gun doesn't matter.
But hunters and Fudds should be coming out strong against this, too. Not because they want Pride- and Hello-Kitty-themed guns, but what is the bill's definition of "deceptively-colored"? Most "sporting" shotguns and rifles are available in several flavors of camouflage, "deceptively-colored" to trick wildlife. Does that count? Or is it only the pink "lady" camo colors that fall under the bill?
I’m guessing Hello Kitty AR rifles are flying off the shelves in MI, the only state that rivals NYFS for its horrible (stupid) lawmakers.
In my mind, the only "deceptively-colored" firearm is one in which they paint the tip of the barrel Safety Orange, as federally required for all TOY guns. (Ever wonder why NERF guns come in every color of the rainbow, but the barrel ends are ALWAYS bright orange? This is why.) The rest of the gun doesn't matter.
But hunters and Fudds should be coming out strong against this, too. Not because they want Pride- and Hello-Kitty-themed guns, but what is the bill's definition of "deceptively-colored"? Most "sporting" shotguns and rifles are available in several flavors of camouflage, "deceptively-colored" to trick wildlife. Does that count? Or is it only the pink "lady" camo colors that fall under the bill?
I do not think any of those guns shoot straight.