Old readers from the blog know that I view the conflict between Ukraine and Russia as a large version of a war between the Barzinis and the Corleones. For some reason, Ukraine went from being a cesspool of corruption and international crime to an innocent country bullied by Putin, basically they are the George Floyd of the international scene. And I won’t even go into Mr. Former KBG psychopath Putin The Great (in his mind anyway) and all the barbaric things he has done through the years.
So I know I am going to catch shit from those who have emotional investment on Ukraine, but what Zelenskyy did in the Oval Office went beyond the pale. You are a guest, invited to the most important office in the world and icon of our country a decided to act like it was one of your cheap sketches when you were a comedian and throw a hissy fit.
If you did not like what was going on or what Trump said, you’d simple courteously express disagreement, stand up, shake the President’s hand and leave without another word said. But what Zelenskyy did was the equivalent of the Liberal assholes that would go to the Family’s Thanksgiving and start a loud of drama about the plight of Muslims transsexuals in the Transvaal region just because you can.
He was asked to leave the White House which shows the actual occupant has more restraint that I would have because sure as hell he would be tossed out by a couple of marines all the way to Pennsylvania Street.
PS: We need to DOGE the hell out of the money sent to Ukraine just for shits and giggles.
Always felt that little shit was nothing more than an egotistical corrupt weasel, but I figured as a former comedian he at least knew how to read a room. I was wrong on the latter.
Couldn't agree with you more. The most corrupt country in the world accusing us of not doing enough to save his scrawny butt? Interrupt the President? Gave JD some shade and Cpl Vance showed him FAFO. It's too bad all the innocent people in Ukraine will suffer because this boob doesn't know how to tie a necktie or wear a suit or act in reasonably polite company. The time for firm disagreement is when the cameras are off and the reporters leave. Too bad. He could have had peace and at least part of his country.